Just a few remaining graphics items that do not fit within any of the other listed genres.
What is it I do exactly? I've never been too awfully keen on labels.
Specialization just reinforces worldwide loneliness.
David Berman, as appears in More Things Like This, 2009.
This was a proposed concept for a series of promotional posters for The Pony Project, a New York art show centered around the My Little Pony toy.
Packaging graphics for a disposable dental project. Featuring both graphics for the individual package and the 50 count box they came in.
Methods of communication
Character sketch
"The Journey, The Makers, The Book"
MA Design Dissertation
Arcanum 17
Walk in a Pine Wood
Orchestras Creeping in to Piano
Smell of Tahiti
New Year's Eve : 2012
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Kelly O'Shea Public Relations
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